June is a manic month for me - nature explodes with photo opportunities and I can hardly keep up with all the things I want to point my camera at. Breeding birds and wildflowers are at peak and I keep a running list of target species - ones I haven't photographed before, haven't photographed well, or those I just want to freshen up with new images. Living in central Ontario is idyllic since the biodiversity located within a couple hours drive of my house is enough to keep me busy shooting for a lifetime!
Here are some photos I've shot in the past few weeks. So many species, so little time!
Golden-winged Warbler, Muskoka, Ontario. Canon 1D4 & 500/4 IS + 1.4x. |
Lawrence's Warbler, Ontario. Canon 1D4 & 500/4 IS + 1.4x. |
Mourning Warbler, Muskoka, Ontario. Canon 1D4 & 500/4 IS + 1.4x. |
Yellow Lady Slipper, Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario. Canon 5D3 & Sigma 120-300/2.8 Sport + 25mm extension tube. |
Ram's Head Lady Slipper, Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario. Canon 5D3 & 100mm f/2.8 macro. |