Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Stolen bananas?

Here's some useless trivia....
This banana photo is the most stolen image in my entire photo collection. I can't explain why - it's not really a remarkable photo. In fact, it's a quick handheld shot I nabbed from the parking lot of a hostel I stayed at in Costa Rica.

I discovered that the photo has been stolen for all kinds of websites, blogs and myspace accounts by using my website statistics software. The software helps me track which pages and photos on my site get the most traffic, and where the traffic comes from (it's a very good tool for optimizing your website). Every time I check the stats, this photo comes out number one - often getting thousands of hits. Who knew a banana photo would be so popular? It's a strange world we live in.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I must say it is not one of my fav on your site, but to each their own! I would be really interested to here more about the tracking software you use???

  2. Hi Lisa,
    My website is hosted by and the package gives me several stats reporting options, the most popular of which is called "Webalizer". It's a web-based program through the back-end of my website, so I don't actually install it on my computer. Many hosting packages include stats reporting. I'm not sure if you can get them standalone or not?

    Either way, the stats reports show me how/where traffic is entering my site, including who is linking to my photos. Couldn't live without this ability to track the traffic!
