Monday, July 02, 2007

Frogs to fields to birds.....

This is a great time of year for photography - so many things to shoot and so little time! I'm so far behind editing photos. Here are a few from the past week. All with EOS 1DSm2

About the photos:

1) My friend caught this Wood Frog and I shot it at a setup on my deck before releasing it. 70-200/2.8 lens with 25 + 12mm extension tubes.

2) Canola field in peak bloom, along Highway 6 north of the town of Ferndale. 17-40/4 lens with Singh-Ray warming circular polarizer LB (my favourite filter - I use it for 90% of my landscape shots).

3/4) Piping Plover adult and chick. 600/4 plus teleconvertors.
Hope you're enjoying summer!


  1. Hey, great stuff again Ethan

    I need advice, My daytime shots are just lacking a punch because the sky is so utterly hazy and boring most days. Sometimes I just cant get out in the morning or at night to get the colour, i find a circular polarizer is hit and miss most days. What can I do during the day to save some shots? The warming filter? I have no problem ordering something from Singh-ray if it'll help.

  2. Hi Craig,
    There isn't a magical solution - other than avoiding those days, or shooting very early or late in the days. The Singh-Ray warming circular polarizer (I have the thin LB version) certainly helps. Adds some contrast in the sky, plus a bit of warmth. But still, I try to avoid shooting those conditions!

  3. I knew that was gonna be the answer. Thanks for the insight =D
