Monday, November 22, 2010

Backroads near Thornbury, Ontario - subtle morning landscape

November is a drab time of year for photographing landscapes in this part of the world (central Ontario). The leaves are off the trees and everything is more-or-less a shade of brown. I find it difficult to be inspired to get out and shoot. On the plus side however, sunrise happens fairly late, so it's easy to get up and catch  morning light.

Last week I was cruising around the backrounds near my place when I stumbled across this scene. The  dawn colors were subtle so I used a Singh-Ray LB ColorCombo polarizer to enhance the scene. And of course, I used an ND grad (Singh-Ray 2 stop hard edge, 4"x6" size) to balance the exposure and add drama to the sky while properly exposing the foreground. Without filters there wouldn't have been much of a photo here.... the sky would have washed out to dull.

On a lacklustre morning I pulled off a decent shot.... I'm glad that I didn't sleep in!


  1. I can't believe the colors in this image. Great job capturing the depth too - it really gives you a feeling that the road goes forever.

  2. Lovely, I sometimes wish I had the patience to find places like this.
