Sunday, November 14, 2010

Must read book: VisionMongers by David duChemin

Every now and then I stumble across a book that truly inspires me. "VisionMongers: Making a Life and Living in Photography" by David duChemin is one such book! I'm about half way through it and has inspired me enough to plug it here on the blog. 
The book is full of practical advice about how and why to pursue a living in photography. All aspiring pros should consider this the definitive must-read (in addition to John Shaw's Business of Nature Photography). Seasoned pros will enjoy the philosophy behind the book and pick up plenty of tips to sharpen their business skills.

Here's a link to David's blog, from which you'll find Amazon links to purchase the book.

If you get a chance to read it, let me know what you think.
Happy shooting!


  1. Beauty this photo!!
    Great all your blog!!!

  2. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to add it to my wishlist.

    I like that you mentioned business skills. This is something I've heard a lot about when talking with people about making a living from any type of art.

    Many people mention the fact that you need to know how to market yourself and not just your work.

    Thanks again,

  3. Very wonderful...Thanks for you
