Sorry for the lag in posts lately. I'm recovering from what must be the worst cold/flu I've ever had. I was literally incapacitated for several days, half wasted on cough syrup and stuck on my couch watching crappy day-time television during the rare moments when I wasn't in a deep, medicated sleep. I was so bagged, I didn't even have the energy to move the 3 feet from my couch to the computer to process my RAW files from Pelee last week. Being sick during prime spring season isn't easy for a nature photographer!
I've got my photo mojo back now, so here are some of the results from last week. I had a couple productive days at Pelee with of a pocket of low, cooperative warblers. This was my first spring using the 500IS lens for warblers, and with the full-frame sensor camera I was worried that the 1.4x TC would not yield enough magnification. My good friend Chris Dodds ( assured me that sharp results were possible with the 2x teleconvertor, even in shaded situations with relatively slow shutter speeds (using IS and good long-lens technique). He was indeed correct and I was pleasantly surprised by the high ratio of sharp shots.
I'm off to shoot spring vegetation and rivers on this drab and wet weekend - so check back in a couple days for some more photos.
Hope you're having a great spring!
Magnolia Warbler
EOS 1DsmIII; 500/4IS; 2x TC
ISO 400; 1/125s at f/8; fill flash at -2 1/3

Black-throated Green Warbler
EOS 1DsmIII; 500/4IS; 2x TC
ISO 400; 1/125s at f/8; fill flash at -2 1/3

Black-throated Blue Warbler
EOS 1DsmIII; 500/4IS; 2x TC
ISO 400; 1/160s at f/8; fill flash at -2 1/3

Carolina Wren
EOS 1DsmIII; 500/4IS; 1.4x TC
ISO 400; 1/200s at f/5.6; fill flash at -2 1/3

Veery (cropped from horizontal)
EOS 1DsmIII; 500/4IS; 1.4x TC
ISO 640; 1/20s at f/5.6; fill flash at -2 1/3