I'm selling two of my ballheads which have given me years of great use: 1) a Wimberley version 1 gimbal head and 2) a Kirk BH1 ballhead. Here are details of each. Send me an email if interested (info@ethanmeleg.com).
1) Wimerley Head (v1). Asking $450 cdn plus shipping. I've used this head for all my bird and wildlife photography for the past 5 years. The gimbal style head is ideal for 500mm or 600mm lenses, making it effortless to track moving subjects.
This head is in perfect working condition and has moderate cosmetic wear (scuffs) from regular use. The new version currently sells for $720 + tax at Vistek; or approx $595 US + tax & shipping direct from Wimberley). Has quick release platform, but you'll need to get your own Arca-style plate to match your lens. These plates are readily available from companies such as Really Right Stuff, Kirk Enterprises or Wimberley.

2) Kirk BH1 ball head. Asking $250 cdn plus shipping. This is a classic ball head used by many nature photographers - I use it everyday as my standard head for landscape, macro, etc.... with all my lenses. It's rated to support fairly heavy camera systems (I think approx 50lbs) and I have often used it with my 500mm and 600mm lenses. Mine is in perfect working condition and has minor cosmetic wear. New from Kirk, these are selling for $355US (+tax & shipping). This head has a quick release platform for Arca-style plates - you'll need to get one to match your lens or camera body. The plates are readily available from companies such as Really Right Stuff or Kirk Enterprises.