The countdown is on.... only 38 days until I depart on my big photo trip around the continent for the next year and a half.
Here's a photo taken a couple days ago of me with my soon-to-be home, a 1990 Volkswagen Westfalia camper van. I bought it mid summer from the east coast - flew to Halifax and drove it back. Since then, I've been outfitting it for long-term travel: extra power to charge camera batteries and run laptops, cooking & basic survival gear, and most importantly an array of security features to prevent getting robbed.
I love the van, it's the ideal photo vehicle: small enough to drive most places and fully equipped to camp comfortably and conveniently anywhere. It sure beats sleeping in my car, or going through all the pain to setup/takedown a tent on demanding photoshoot schedules.
As soon as my trip starts, I promise regular updates to the blog. I've been so busy lately preparing for the trip, I haven't been able to post as much as I'd like. More coming soon!
Happy shooting!